What You Need to Know When It Comes to Keratoconus and Corneal Cross-Linking

Do you have keratoconus? Keratoconus is a serious eye condition that can affect your sight and vision progressively over time. Keratoconus occurs when the cornea gradually becomes thinner over time. When the cornea gets thinner, it also becomes more cone-shaped, leading to distorted vision, sensitivity to light, and blurry vision. Many eye doctors begin treating… Read More
5 Reasons It May Be Time For LASIK This Spring

LASIK is a life-changing procedure. It can provide you with the visual freedom that you’ve been craving while streamlining so many different aspects of your life. You may have been considering having LASIK for some time, but you haven’t been able to take it any further. But now is the perfect time to finally schedule… Read More
Why Eye Exams are Safe During the Pandemic

Due to the pandemic, it’s normal if you’ve put off a few things. This probably goes beyond vacations, family reunions, and weddings. Plenty of people have let doctor’s appointments go by the wayside for fear of exposure to COVID-19, along with dentist appointments, and yes, annual eye exams. It’s understandable and preferable to be cautious… Read More
5 Eyecare Tips To Prepare Before Allergy Season Hits

Seasonal allergies are a huge pain. They’re also extremely common. Did you know that 20% of Americans are allergic to pollen? It is, after all, something that’s abundant in the air during the early spring. Even if you’re not particularly allergic to pollen, you may experience allergic reactions during the spring simply due to the… Read More
What Can I Expect When I Get Laser Cataract Surgery?

When you have cataracts, they may not be noticeable at first. With age, cataracts are almost inevitable due to the natural lens becoming cloudy. When this happens, proteins in the lens can clump together, making it harder to see clearly. Over time, the lens only becomes cloudier, leading to more severe visual symptoms. The good… Read More
5 Of The Real Reasons LASIK Is Life-Changing

Are you tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses? There’s a good chance that you’ve already considered LASIK, but you’re still not sure if it’s right for you. These days, almost everyone has heard of LASIK. You may even know someone who has had it! It’s become an increasingly popular procedure in recent years, and… Read More
7 Dry Eye Tips To Try If You Need Relief This Winter

When it comes to winter, it’s inevitable that things will feel a little more dry than normal. Your hands may crack and your skin may feel rougher. But for people with dry eye syndrome, having dry eyes during the winter can feel plain miserable! If your dry eyes are throwing you for a loop as… Read More
Use Your Flex Spending On Vision Care Before The Year Ends!

The holiday season is finally almost here! There’s a lot to be excited about, but with the holidays also comes another thing to think about. If you have flex spending, you’re running out of time to use it. Not sure how to spend it? Keep reading for some ideas on how you can put those… Read More
8 Cataract Warning Signs To Watch Out For

Cataracts are something that everyone will experience as they get older. But if you’ve never had a cataract, how do you know what the warning signs of a cataract are? Keep reading for 8 cataract warning signs to watch out for! 1. Blurry vision When you have cataracts, one of the most common symptoms is… Read More
Will My Dry Eye Worsen Because of Allergies?

Ah, spring. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and you’re sneezing. Allergy season is right around the corner. For those of us who suffer from allergies, it can be difficult to enjoy the beautiful springtime weather. This can be worsened if you have allergies and you suffer from dry eye syndrome! Keep reading to find… Read More